Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 16 2010

So today I realized that I have not been searching God to find out what my passion is. (Thank you AM). So now my prayer is help me find my passion. Once my passion has been defined by the way God made me I can move forward with that knowledge.

I am praying that I am patient and wait on God. I also pray that I will be open to exactly what my passion is. I need to make sure that I stay in prayer and God's word to really be in tune with what I am needing to be taught and hear from God.

Monday June 14 2010

I read Proverbs 14 tonight and verse 30 stuck out... it says...
"A heart at peace gives life to the body but envy rots the bones"

This verse really tells me that I need to be at peace with where God has me for the season he has me in. All around with job, friendships, finances etc. When I become at peace with what God has provided then I will be ready to be moved by God not before. His ways are not my ways, His ways are much better than mine, always has been always will.