Thursday, May 26, 2011

always thinking

So I am always thinking of ways to bring in extra income into our household without taking to much extra time from my family (Matt really since Z is starting to have his own life) I have tried selling Scentsy, that proved to be to stressfull for the non saleswoman that I am. I had a friend on facebook that had mentioned Lia Sophia as a business opportunity but then again that is a direct selling type of business. I don't want to get a part time job. I like doing crafts but I don't know how good I am at crafts to make money off of doing crafts. I love looking at others crafts but I am not super creative to think of thiings myself. I have found the website Etsy and I love looking around but not sure if I could be creative enough to make a substantial amount of money (to offset income) from things I like to do. I am hoping that God will reveal to me ways to supplement our income.

So I hope that between budgeting and thinking of ways to make etra money maybe life will get just a little less tight.

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