Saturday, January 8, 2011


So after reading things on facebook from women I know, in Sunday School, and seeing that they are getting to gether for a book club, or small group, or anything and no one even mentions me. I am never thought of. I think that if I never went back to that Sunday School class neither Matt or I would ever be missed. I hate to be a downer and sound as woe is me, no body likes me everybody hates me kind of attitude. I feel like I have tried to connect with some of the other women but maybe I have not done enough. I don't understand why I have such a hard time connecting with new people. Makes me feel like I am not supposed to be where I am. So many doors being closed and no new ones being opened. Would like to have an audible voice sometime to lead me in the way I am supposed to go.


Hilary de Haan said...

Just now seeing this. How timely! I hope you feel differently about this now. I love you!

Eilene said...

You have a blog!!!!! I just found it while I was reading Hilary's post on our blog :) Ditto what Hilary said... I'm so glad you guys are coming on Sunday nights!